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Renowned boys choir coming to town

By Wu Ni ( ) 2015-04-14

The 800-year-old St Thomas Boys Choir, or the Thomanerchor in Leipzig of Germany, will come to Jiading to showcase the rich musical legacy left by German's great musician Johann Sebastian Bach.

The concert will be held at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater in Jiading district on May 2. It is reported that the choir gave only 31 tour performances globally each year. Audiences who had fallen in love with the pure, young voices of boys choir in the French movie Les Choristes should not miss the chance to enjoy the concert by one of the world’s finest boys choirs.

In Shanghai, the choir will perform 16 classic works by German masters including Bach, Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms.

Founded in 1212, the celebrated St Thomas Boys Choir is Leipzig's oldest cultural institution. It is also the chief custodian of the music of Bach, who led the choir as its cantor for 27 years until his death in 1750. At present, the choir consists of 92 boys ranging from 9 to 18 years old.

Renowned boys choir coming to town

The 2015 Thomanerchor Leipzig Shanghai Concert will be held at Shanghai Poly Grand Theatre on May 2. [Photo by]



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
