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Jiading promotes start-up incubator

( ) 2015-08-12

Making a significant move, Jiading district of Shanghai has developed its newly-opened youth center into a start-up incubator, according to local authorities.

The youth center, opened on May 4, is one of the largest youth centers in Shanghai. Its indoor area is about 970 square meters, surrounded by 2,000 square meters of greening in the open air.

In order to ensure the quality of its services, the local authorities entrusted the Shanghai Cili Youth Development Center to run the place. The youth development center is a professional organization in launching various activities for young people.

The new center had recently organized a variety of activities including salons, training courses and field visits to help nurture start-ups.

With superb working environment and professional services, it is appealing to a large number of young people who harbor entrepreneurial dreams.

During the past three months, more than 10 start-up teams have settled in the center. An official also said that these start-ups are eligible for the supportive policies, services and resources provided by the center.

It is expected that in the future, the incubator will help consolidate Jiading's position as a significant science and technology innovation center in Shanghai's suburban areas.



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