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Photo exhibition opens in Jiading

( ) 2015-09-08

A photo exhibition highlighting the development of Shanghai International Automobile City in Anting town kicked off on Sept 2 in Jiading district.

Photo exhibition opens in Jiading

The opening ceremony of the photo exhibition is held on Sept 2 in Jiading district. [Photo/]

The exhibition, which will run until Sept 20, aims at helping the local residents get a better understanding of the rapid development of the International Automobile City.

Photo exhibition opens in Jiading

The works on display at the exhibition [Photo/]

The show features 120 photographs, which happens to be winning entries of a photo contest. This contest, initiated earlier this year, had lasted for half a year and attracted over 100 photographers. It had received a total of 1,200 photos, all of which emphasize the evolution of the International Automobile City with regard to its economy, urban construction, environment and natural landscape.

The Shanghai International Automobile City is an automobile industry base, which was designed by Shanghai Municipal Government in 2001. And with 14 years of development, it has now transformed into a comprehensive auto base featuring automobile manufacturing, trade, education and training, expo and racing.



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