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Jiading hospital expands to provide better healthcare facilities

( ) 2015-12-01

The Ruijin Hospital North, affiliated to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University's School of Medicine in Jiading district of Shanghai recently announced that it planned a second-phase construction during the 13th Five Year Plan period (2016-2020), local media reported on Dec 1.

Jiading hospital expands to provide better healthcare facilities

Exterior of the Ruijin Hospital North, affiliated to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University's School of Medicine in Jiading district of Shanghai. [Photo/]

The hospital leader said that the expansion is to meet local residents' need for medical treatment. It is predicted that the hospital will receive a total of 780,000 outpatients and emergency patients for the year 2015, which were beyond its current capacity, hence the need for further expansion has been required.

As per the planning, the second-phase project, with a total floor area of 48,000 square meters will include an office building, an apartment building and an inpatient building. The hospital will increase 400 beds also.

Jiading hospital expands to provide better healthcare facilities

Interior of the Ruijin Hospital North, affiliated to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University's School of Medicine in Jiading district of Shanghai. [Photo/]

In addition to improving facilities, the hospital also aims to advance its six specialties, featuring gastrointestinal tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, trauma emergency, endocrinal and metabolic diseases, respiratory tract infection, and hematology and oncology. All these will contribute to the local chronic disease control and prevention.



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