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Art exhibition promotes Sino-Japanese cultural cooperation

( ) 2015-12-02

Art exhibition promotes Sino-Japanese cultural cooperation

Visitors appreciate the ink wash paintings at a Sino-Japanese art exhibition at the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy in Jiading district, Shanghai, Dec 1. [Photo/]

With the idea of introducing traditional Chinese culture and promoting exchanges between Chinese and Japanese artists, a Sino-Japanese art exhibition on ink wash paintings kicked off at the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy in the city's Jiading district on Dec 1. The exhibition will conclude on Dec 10.

The?event?was launched by the Shanghai Masters Arts Research Association and Japan's Akita Ink Wash Painting Association. The exhibition displayed a total of 60 ink wash paintings by prestigious Chinese and Japanese painters. The art works on display featured mountains, rivers, flowers, birds and figures, which depicted the artists’ understanding about modern ink wash painting.

The Japanese ink wash painting shared similarities with that of ancient China's Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties, and also developed its unique style, which enabled local residents to enjoy a feast of traditional art.

The organizers said that the event aims to facilitate the inheritance and development of ink wash painting as well as to help people of the two countries gain a better understanding of this traditional art. And it will also help to promote exchanges and cooperation in culture between both nations.



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