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Jiading Industrial Zone to promote traditional art

( ) 2016-04-25

Jiading Industrial Zone to promote traditional art

Representatives of the Jiading Industrial Zone and the Shanghai Yueju Opera Theater sign a cooperation agreement, April 19. [Photo/]

The Jiading Industrial Zone of Shanghai struck a deal with the Shanghai Yueju Opera Theater on April 19, to enrich local residents' cultural life, local media reported.

As per the deal, the theater will present about ten yueju opera shows in the second half of this year, enabling local enthusiasts to gain a better understanding of this traditional Chinese art.

Jiading Industrial Zone to promote traditional art

Artists from the Shanghai Yueju Opera Theater perform at the Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai, April 19. [Photo/]

Some artists from the Shanghai Yueju Opera Theater also performed at the signing ceremony, which attracted a large number of audiences. On the occasion, some performers taught the fans basic skills in opera as well.

The Shanghai Yueju Opera Theater was founded in 1955 by reorganizing the No.1 and No.2 Groups of the East China Experimental Yueju Opera Troupe. Over the years, the theater has created, adapted and edited more than 400 traditional, historical and modern opera plays.



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