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Jiading strengthens industry-university-research cooperation

( ) 2016-06-13

Jiading strengthens industry-university-research cooperation

The Shanghai International Automobile City in Jiading district strikes a deal with Tongji University on June 5. [Photo/]

The Shanghai International Automobile City in Jiading district struck a deal with Tongji University on June 5.

The two sides will work together in multiple fields, including smart-connected vehicles, intelligent transportation, smart cities, communications, business models, academic activities, talent training and business incubation.

Jiading strengthens industry-university-research cooperation

Fang Shouen, deputy Party secretary of Tongji University, gives a speech about the university's cooperation with the Shanghai International Automobile City on June 5. [Photo/]

Fang Shouen, deputy Party secretary of Tongji University, revealed that the two sides will build a technology innovation and service platform to enhance the industry-university-research cooperation.

They also plan to establish an intelligent transportation laboratory and a smart-connected vehicle and intelligent transportation engineering technology research center in order to provide technology support to the planning and construction of Jiading's intelligent transportation system.

Jiading strengthens industry-university-research cooperation

Lu Zufang, deputy head of Jiading district, where the Shanghai International Automobile City is located, delivers a speech on the auto city's cooperation with Tongji University on June 5. [Photo/]

Lu Zufang, deputy head of Jiading district, said that the district has advantages in research resources, technology industrialization and finance. Lu expected that this cooperation will give full play to the auto city's advantages and help create a better environment for research and innovation.




Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
