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Magical play on children's wish list

( ) 2017-08-30

Magical play on children's wish list

A young girl is invited to the stage with actors of the Shanghai Dingdang Drama Society who perform Aladdin in Xuhang town, Jiading district, Shanghai on Aug 23. [Photo/]

The classic children's story of Aladdin and Princess?was performed at the Shanghai Dingdang Drama Society at Xuhang town in Jiading district, Shanghai on Aug 23.

The Middle Eastern tale recounts the story of a young ne'er do well who finds a magic lamp and a genie that is able to grant his every wish.

The twisting plot, slapstick humor, and audience participation enthralled and entertained both children and parents alike.

With the actors inviting children on stage to help Aladdin defeat an evil sorcerer, the performance ended with a flourish of excitement that all got involved with.

According to the organizer, the performance was aimed at giving more children living in suburban areas opportunities to enjoy fine art, and enabling kids to learn important moral lessons through drama.

More such performances will be performed in Xuhang town in order to satisfy the cultural needs of different age groups.

Magical play on children's wish list

Kids and adults watch the children's play Aladdin and Princess on Aug 23 in Xuhang town, Jiading district, Shanghai. [Photo/]




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