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Experts discuss ICV issues in Jiading

( ) 2017-09-27

Experts discuss ICV issues in Jiading

Forum on intelligent and connected vehicle (ICV) opens in Jiading on Sept 22 bringing together three hundred experts to discuss the achievement of scientific research and information security of ICV. [Photo/]

Experts discuss ICV issues in Jiading

Shen Huadi, deputy head of Jiading district says Jiading will concentrate on establishing platforms and projects in the experimental demonstrative area of ICV in a bid to set up new value network and transform the vehicle industry. [Photo/]

Experts discuss ICV issues in Jiading

The forum witnesses the launch of ICV information security test lab, which is designed to be a comprehensive test lab incorporating research, test, exam and teaching of security. Its main function is to conduct research on the safety of vehicles, test vehicles, establish safety standards, take part in the safety design of vehicles, provide talents for enterprises and universities, and spread knowledge of safety, thus ensuring safe and sustainable development of the vehicle industry. [Photo/]

Experts discuss ICV issues in Jiading

Strategic cooperation deals are concluded by Shanghai International Automobile City Company and DEKRA (Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug überwachungsverein) group. Under the deals, the two sides will collaborate in a wide range of projects, including the intellectualizing of vehicles, test system and method of connection and linking up of new technologies. They will also aim to link up the labs, based on platforms such as United Innovation Centre. [Photo/]



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
