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Big data meets vehicles in Jiading

( ) 2017-09-29

The Vehicle Industry Frontier Technology Forum, focused on "Driven by data, Upgrades of industry" came to a close in Jiading on Sept 21. Daoke, NavInfo, Pand Auto, PingJia Technology, UnicData and other enterprises had discussed at the forum how big data can be applied to bring innovations and changes to the vehicle industry.

Big data meets vehicles in Jiading

Numerous experts discuss the application of big data to vehicles. [Photo/]

Wang Hong, CEO of ALT (Auto Links Technology) said that in these days of easy access to data, ALT, as a start-up platform, wants to assemble more resources to enhance communication between trades, thus fostering pluralism in the vehicle industry.

At the forum, Zhao Longfei, CEO of Daoke, proposed that his company will construct the largest collection of VPS (Virtual Private Server)-based virtual traffic conditions by using vehicle recorder lenses with multi-level sensors to offer a high precision map to unmanned vehicles. Xiong Jilin, a senior expert on big data, shared how the MineData platform provides valuable public travel services and traffic information.

In addition, there were discussions on the application of data pertaining to drivers. Yuan Tingting, assistant manager of Pand Auto, said that his company will gather more user data and optimize its service by establishing a system of big data, AI technology and user information. Gong Mingkui, executive vice president of PingJia Technology, displayed drivers' data analyzed by the company that can be connected to user profiles; this approach is expected to find wide application in the auto industry.

In the second half of the forum, attendees exchanged their ideas on innovation in the second-hand vehicle industry, quality management of new energy vehicles, needs of drivers and research on new energy markets.



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