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Paintings present Jiading's beautiful landscape and long history

( ) 2018-01-23

Paintings present Jiading's beautiful landscape and long history

Sixty paintings on display at the cultural center in Jiading district of Shanghai on Jan 15-25. [Photo/]

Sixty paintings created by members of the Juyuan Haimo Painting Academy are being displayed at the cultural center in Jiading district of Shanghai on Jan 15-25.

The paintings present Jiading's long history and culture and artists' yearning for the hometown's beautiful landscapes.

Jiading, became a county eight centuries ago and witnessed the happening of countless stories and carried the memories of generations. The works on display are expected to record such stories and beautiful landscapes in Jiading.

Paintings present Jiading's beautiful landscape and long history

Paintings created by members of the Juyuan Haimo Painting Academy present Jiading's beautiful landscape, long history and culture. [Photo/]



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
