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How to make an outpatient appointment in Ruijin Hospital

( ) 2018-09-26

Ruijin Hospital North, affiliated to the Shanghai Jiaotong University's School of Medicine, has been offering convenient and top-class medical services to residents of Jiading district, Shanghai since its establishment in 2012.

Covering a combined floor area of 72,000 square meters, the hospital has 36 departments, including ones for internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, and traditional Chinese medicine, available for local patients.

To facilitate patients' medical treatments and optimize the efficiency of seeing a doctor, the hospital has initiated several ways to make an outpatient appointment.

WeChat/ App

One can make an outpatient appointment through the hospital's official WeChat account: RJ-HospitalNorth, and the mobile app. The app or WeChat account of the hospital also has the functions of registration and payment.

How to make an outpatient appointment in Ruijin Hospital

Use the WeChat account to make an outpatient appointment at Ruijing Hospital North. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

How to make an outpatient appointment in Ruijin Hospital

Use the mobile app to make an outpatient appointment at Ruijing Hospital North. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

How to make an outpatient appointment in Ruijin Hospital

Scan the QR code to download the app. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]


One can also pre-engage a doctor for an examination on the official website ( with a website account.

How to make an outpatient appointment in Ruijin Hospital

Pre-engage a doctor for an examination on the official website of the hospital. [Photo/WeChat: sh-jiading]

On-the-spot outpatient appointment

The self-service registration machines at the outpatient service hall can be also used to make appointments. If you are getting stuck, one can ask the staff or the volunteers there for help.

How to make an outpatient appointment in Ruijin Hospital

The service registration machines at the outpatient service hall of Ruijin Hospital North used to make an outpatient appointment. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

Phone call

One can call 67888131 to make an outpatient appointment at 7:30-11:00 and 13:00-15:30 from Monday to Saturday.



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