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Jiading residents get a taste of intangible cultural heritages

( ) 2018-11-29

Jiading residents get a taste of intangible cultural heritages

A performer teaches two residents skills of face changing in Sichuan opera in Jiading district, Shanghai. [Photo/]

Residents in Jiading district, Shanghai, got the opportunity to enjoy a feast of intangible cultural heritages, as several of them were staged in the district from Nov 17 to 24.

An array of intangible cultural heritage performances were staged, including shadow puppetry, face changing in Sichuan opera, Chinese dragon and lion dance, Wing Chun (a Chinese martial art), and Jiangzhou drum, among others.

Apart from the excellent performances, the spectators were also able to experience the skills of the intangible cultural heritages for themselves.

The event, sponsored by Jiading Cultural Center and Jiading Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, was staged to expose the intangible cultural heritages to more people and display the district’s achievements in cultural heritage protection.

Jiading residents get a taste of intangible cultural heritages

Children in Jiading district of Shanghai learn skills of shadow puppetry. [Photo/]



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