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Government-college cooperation to refresh Jiading Central Hospital

( ) 2019-01-14

Government-college cooperation to refresh Jiading Central Hospital

The government of Jiading district agrees with Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences to jointly rebuild Jiading Central Hospital on Jan 11. [Photo/]

The government of Jiading district agreed with Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences to jointly rebuild Jiading Central Hospital on Jan 11.

Jiading Central Hospital, originally built in 1947, will become the affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, integrating medical treatment, teaching, R&D, prevention and rehabilitation.

Huang Xuyuan, the hospital director, said that it will take advantage of Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences for education, scientific research and talent training to upgrade the medical service level and provide quality treatment to citizens.

Government-college cooperation to refresh Jiading Central Hospital

Jiading Central Hospital will upgrade the medical service level and provide quality treatment to citizens in the district. [Photo/]

Construction of the Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences Medical Imaging Clinical Center and the Jiading Heart Failure Center was targeted during the agreement-signing ceremony.

The new imaging clinical center will not only serve to educate students but will also offer real-time remote diagnosis and training services to 18 medical institutions in Jiading district.

Jiading Central Hospital will work with 13 other local community health centers to set up a database of heart failure management to reduce the re-hospitalization rate.

In recent years, medical and health undertakings have developed rapidly in Jiading district. A medical service system covering everything from tertiary hospitals and regional medical centers to community health service centers and community health service stations is emerging. A group of high-performance medical equipment and precision medical enterprises has also gathered in Jiading.



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
