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Overseas visitors experience authentic Jiading

( ) 2019-07-31

An international youth friendship camp was launched in Shanghai's Jiading district on July 30, gathering youngsters from ten countries including Hungary and Japan.

The nine-day camp made its first stop at Jiading Museum, where the young visitors participated in a cultural tour of the museum's exhibition halls and learned about Jiading through pictures, videos and artifacts which have lived through the tumultuous changes the city has undergone over the years.

"It (the museum) is both beautiful and interesting, and the exhibits here can represent Chinese culture," said one of the youngsters.

More activities are scheduled for the next few days, including tours of cultural attractions in Shanghai and several DIY activities.

In addition, the young visitors were invited to the homes of local residents, giving them the chance to experience daily life in Jiading.

Overseas visitors experience authentic Jiading

The youngsters visit Jiading Museum.[Photo/]



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