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Intelligent guide hats to hit the market

( ) 2019-12-27

Intelligent guide hats to hit the market

A visually-impaired man tries out an intelligent guide hat in Jiading. [Photo/]

The first batch of 40 "intelligent guide hats" for visually-impaired people was put into pilot use in Jiading recently.

Though they look similar to ordinary hats, the smart devices include convenient functions such as navigation and positioning, automatic detection and identification, and instant remote assistance.

The hat will automatically sound an alarm whenever there are obstacles ahead. The "Press for Help" button on the brim of the hat enables visually-impaired people to call for their families or support staff, who can then assess the environment around the hat users and offer real-time guidance to help them out of trouble.

Yan Qinghua, the product manager, said the visual and obstacle information captured by the built-in camera and ultrasonic detecting instruments will be converted into signals that visually-impaired people can feel through the alarm system of the hat.

"Visually-impaired people can get to know real-time information via the hat, such as traffic conditions, nearby bus stations and public toilets, aiding them in their life and travel," Yan said.

A man surnamed Zhou gave a thumbs-up to the device. "I've been looking forward to this hat, which uses high technology to help me go out of the house, embrace society, and do whatever I want," he said.



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