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Running to auspicious New Year

( ) 2020-01-02

Running to auspicious New Year

A father and a son take part in the New Year running event in Jiading on Jan 1. [Photo/]

Over 10,000 runners from 22 countries and regions and aged between 5 and 81 ran in celebration of the New Year on the F1 racing track at the Shanghai International Circuit in Jiading on Jan 1.

Starting at 10:30 am, runners braved the cold and tried to leave their footprints on the track of "上", a Chinese character representing auspicious wishes for a growing New Year.

The 3-kilometer run, designed for family participants since last year, was attended by over 400 groups of parents and their children.

The New Year run is currently in its sixth year and is among the most popular events to be held on the roads of Jiading. Smaller runs were also held in 12 towns and counties under the governance of the district.



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
