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Shanghai unveils new platform to enhance social welfare

By He Qi ( ) 2020-08-07

The Shanghai civil affairs administration has launched an internal control and supervision platform to distribute monetary assistance to those in need, the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau announced on Aug 6.

The platform, which took nearly two years to construct and test, will be available in all districts within the year, said the bureau.

"The new platform has integrated supervision at different levels, including the city, district, street and town. It has also strengthened the internal control and supervision, differentiated approval and distribution rights, ensured accurate budgeting, distribution, and bookkeeping of civil and livelihood funds of people, and eliminated potential risks," said Lian Jinbo, director of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau's financial department.

According to Lian, six types of social assistance funds, such as urban and rural minimum living allowance, will be included in the new platform.

While the security of citizens' livelihoods has been continuously strengthened in recent years, more than 3.3 million Shanghai residents still require assistance from the city's social welfare system.



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
