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Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

( ) 2021-03-10

Caotou Tabing, or fried burclove cake, is a famous snack that originated in Loutang town, Jiading district. It is made by shredding burclove, a spring vegetable popular among locals, and mixing it with glutinous rice flour. The cake has a soft taste with a slightly sweet and refreshing aroma.

Follow the recipe below to make some traditional specialties of your own.

Ingredients: 250 grams of glutinous rice flour, salt, and chicken essence

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 1: wash and shred the burclove. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 2: heat the Chinese pan, add some oil, and stir-fry the burclove. Add some salt and chicken essence as seasoning. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 3: dish out the burclove and add some glutinous rice flour to it, then mix with hot water. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 4: knead and shape the vegetable dough into a rod shape. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 5: slice the dough into smaller pieces. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 6: squeeze and flatten the dough into cakes. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 7: heat the oil to about 150 degrees Celsius and fry the cakes until both sides turn golden brown. [Photo/]

Caotou Tabing (fried burclove cake)

Step 8: enjoy the cake's soft taste, tender sweetness, and refreshing aroma. [Photo/]




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