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Brief introduction to two scientific industrial research bases

( ) 2021-03-15

Industrialization base of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch Jiading local government and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch agreed to build an industrialization base in the district in November 2009. The base has developed expertise in stem cell technology and medical devices such as proton therapy demonstration plant, computed tomographic (CT) scanner, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) apparatus, X-ray machines, and molecular imaging machines (PET/CT).

Software and Information Services Industrial Base of the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation The industrial base started construction in Jiading in August 2012, one of the key projects inked between China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and Shanghai municipal government.

Aiming to become a hub with various industries seeking coordinated development, the base has saw industries such as cloud computing, automobile electronics, embedded software, internet of things, smart cities and information services, and autonomous and controllable platforms emerging and growing in the area.



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