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Jiading sees strong consumption rebound during May Day holiday

( ) 2021-05-10
Jiading sees strong consumption rebound during May Day holiday

Jiading district in East China’s Shanghai has seen a robust recovery in consumption during the May Day holiday. [Photo/]

Jiading district in East China's Shanghai has seen a robust recovery in consumption during the May Day holiday, said local officials.

Statistics show that the district's 41 key commercial enterprises monitored by the local government reported a total of 1.33 billion yuan ($207.61 million) in sales from May 1 to 5, a year-on-year increase of 12.6 percent.

Online shopping has continued to play an important role in driving consumption growth throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The?total sales revenue of JD accounted for 78.7 percent of sales of 41 key commercial enterprises.

During the five-day holiday, the district’s large business complexes rolled out an array of promotional activities to boost consumption. Official data show that the 15 large commercial complexes monitored by the data bureau received a total of about 220 million yuan in sales, growing by 68.4 percent year-on-year.




Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

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