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A look at Jiading's new kindergarten

( ) 2021-08-23

A look at Jiading's new kindergarten

The kindergarten is equipped with six specialized activity rooms for children to play, explore, and read. [Photo/]

Covering an area of 9,507 square meters, Shanghai Jiading Huiyuan Road Kindergarten is located on Tongxue Road in Jiading industrial zone, Jiading district, East China's Shanghai.

The main buildings of the kindergarten are three stories tall, and painted white and green.

The kindergarten is equipped with six specialized activity rooms for children to play, explore, and read. Each room is equipped with separated toilets, nap rooms, cloakrooms, and nursery operation rooms.

In the center of the kindergarten is a big lawn with large outdoor toys and fitness facilities. There is also a play area that resembles a "hobbit house" with small overpasses and slides for children to play. Children can enjoy the sunshine and have fun doing sports on the lawn.

The kindergarten plans to have a total of 20 classes. In the upcoming new semester, it will enroll seven junior-kindergarten classes and one childcare class, with a total of 187 children.

The kindergarten has set up 20 cradle-style cots made of bamboo weaving to give the children a sense of "home", said Wang Zhen, the principal of the kindergarten.

In terms of teaching staff members, the kindergarten currently has 22 faculty members with extensive teaching experience. At present, teachers are busy with preparations to receive the new students, such as cleaning up the classrooms and preparing various teaching aids.



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