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Jiading-based company receives national sci-tech progress award

( ) 2021-11-08

Jiading-based company receives national sci-tech progress award

The winning team poses for a group photo in front of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

A project led by United Imaging, a Jiading district-based high-end medical device company, was awarded the first prize of the 2020 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award at an annual award ceremony held in Beijing on Nov 3.

The project was themed on the "independent development and industrialization of the high field magnetic resonance medical imaging equipment", which was jointly created by the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese PLA General Hospital, and the Fudan University affiliated Zhongshan Hospital.

After more than ten years' multidisciplinary work, the award-winning United Imaging developed China's first 3.0T magnetic resonance machine product, which was recognized as a powerful change in China's high-end image core for reconstructing the international industrial pattern of high-end medical equipment. United Imaging also became the first company in the high-end medical equipment industry to obtain the highest honor in the field of science and technology.

Currently, the project has optimized its large-scale industrialization and clinical applications as well as cultivated a complete production, manufacturing and supply chain system.

Jiading-based company receives national sci-tech progress award

The 3.0T magnetic resonance machine, which is developed by United Imaging, is now operational in many hospitals. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]



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