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Lanterns light up festive atmosphere in Jiading

( ) 2022-02-15

Lanterns light up festive atmosphere in Jiading

This year is the Year of the Tiger, thus tiger-shaped lanterns are very popular. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first month on the Chinese lunar calendar, which is Feb 15 this year.

Stores selling lanterns in Shanghai's Jiading district are seen exhibiting lanterns in a variety of shapes to entice customers. As the Lantern Festival arrives, lantern sales continue to soar.

Lanterns light up festive atmosphere in Jiading

A store on Nanxiang Ancient Street sells a variety of lanterns, including conventional red lanterns, lanterns shaped like Chinese zodiacs, lanterns with wheels, and lanterns that can "sing". [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]

Lanterns light up festive atmosphere in Jiading

Customers can choose from a variety of lanterns at a lantern shop on Zhouqiao Old Street, including traditional red lanterns, portable lanterns, and lanterns with projectors, which is a new type of lantern this year. [Photo/WeChat account: sh-jiading]



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