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Shanghai Auto Museum opens with upgraded new layout

( ) 2022-07-06

The Shanghai Auto Museum in Anting town, Jiading district resumed operations on July 2 with an upgraded layout.

Currently, the venue's first floor to third floor have been designed and adjusted to display the history of automobiles. The fourth floor is set up as an automobile-themed parent-child space called Magic Motown, which will be open to the public soon in summer, according to Yu Lefeng, a manager of the venue's service department.

Shanghai Auto Museum opens with upgraded new layout

A guide introduces an exhibit to a visitor that showcases the evolution of transportation, which is displayed on the first floor of the Shanghai Auto Museum. [Photo/]

In addition to the physical exhibits, the museum has also set up various interesting interactive devices on the third floor. Among them, children find track racing and virtual car auditions to be the most entertaining.

Shanghai Auto Museum opens with upgraded new layout

Visitors try out the interactive devices on the third floor of the Shanghai Auto Museum. [Photo/]

Shanghai Auto Museum opens with upgraded new layout

A rendering of the automobile themed parent-child space Magic Motown on the fourth floor of the Shanghai Auto Museum. [Photo/]



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