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Jiading students take national college entrance exams

( ) 2022-07-07

A total of 2,295 students from Shanghai's Jiading district are taking the national college entrance examination in Shanghai from July 7 to 9. The exam was postponed due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

Jiading students take national college entrance exams

Students review their notes while waiting outside a test venue in Jiading district before taking the national college entrance exam. [Photo/]

Jiading students take national college entrance exams

Students enter a venue in Jiading district to take the national college entrance exam in Shanghai, which was postponed due to the COVID-19 epidemic. [Photo/]

Jiading students take national college entrance exams

A mother, dressed in a traditional red Chinese dress, sends her best wishes to her son, who is about to take the national college entrance exam in Jiading district. [Photo/]

Jiading students take national college entrance exams

Policemen, medical workers, and school faculty stand by at an exam venue in the early morning on July 7 to ensure the safety of the students during the exam. [Photo/]



Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.
