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Jiading medical team offers eye treatments in Jiuzhi county

( ) 2022-07-22

Jiading medical team offers eye treatments in Jiuzhi county

Jiading medical team members pose for a group photo in Guoluo Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai province. [Photo/]

The 17th batch of doctors from Jiading district paid a medical visit to Jiuzhi county in Guoluo Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai province from July 8 to 14 to conduct eye disease screenings and check-ups for local Tibetan people and offered training to local medical staff.

The team was formed by experts from ophthalmology and radiology departments in Jiading district's hospitals, and arrived in Jiuzhi county in early July after being delayed by the difficulties brought about by the latest wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in Shanghai.

During their trip, the medical team screened 79 people for cataract surgery, 11 people for pterygium surgery, two people with impingement surgery, and found one case of glaucoma among 331 locals.

According to the medical team's leader Tian Yuan, the Party secretary of Shanghai Jiading Mental Health Center, the team conducted a remote 5G ultrasound examination. On July 12, doctors at Nanxiang Hospital in Jiading district completed ultrasound examinations of the thyroid gland and carotid artery for five patients in Jiuzhi county via a 5G network.

To date, Jiading district has completed remote ultrasound examinations for about 20 patients in Jiuzhi county through regular 5G remote diagnoses and treatments.

Jiading district sends two medical teams to Guoluo Tibetan autonomous prefecture every year, with the first team arriving in June to screen and diagnose people before surgery, and the second team arriving in August, which is formed by ophthalmology experts and nurses with varying professional backgrounds from medical institutions to conduct eye surgeries.

This year marks the ninth consecutive year of the medical team to offer ophthalmology resources to Jiuzhi county in Qinghai province through screening, diagnoses, and intensive surgeries, in order to help locals who are suffering from eye diseases.

Jiading medical team offers eye treatments in Jiuzhi county

Jiading medical team members provide diagnoses and check-ups to local Tibetan in Jiuzhi county, Guoluo Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai province. [Photo/]



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