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Shanghai is piloting intelligent manhole covers in Jiading district to prevent accidents caused by missing manhole covers following reports of victims falling into manholes after the covers had been stolen or washed away by floods, reported on Thursday.Read more

The New York Philharmonic staged a symphony concert at the Poly Grand Theater in Shanghai's Jiading district on July 4, giving local residents a music feast.Read more

An art exhibition on Tibet-themed calligraphy, painting and photography was launched in the Nanxiang Cultural and Sports Center on June 20.Read more

A lecture on classical music was staged at Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co in Jiading district on June 18.Read more

Residents in Jiading district of Shanghai will have the opportunity to enjoy a world-class music concert, as the New York Philharmonic Orchestra will perform at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater on July 4.Read more

Wintersweet flowers are now in full blossom in a wintersweet park in Waigang town, Shanghai's Jiading district.Read more

Shanghai's 61 tourist sites including five of Jiading district will offer half-price tickets from Sept 12 to 18.Read more

A new country park will be launched in the northwest of Jiading district, Shanghai, informed a municipal official.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
