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All major EMS business outlets in Shanghai's Jiading district have started operations with a total of 120 workers returning to work.

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Shanghai will pull its strength toward enhancing employability of fresh university graduates whose job-seeking prospects are disturbed by the current round of the COVID-19 outbreak, local authorities said on Saturday.

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Shanghai will continue to operate a number of makeshift hospitals while closing some of the district-level ones as the city has effectively curbed the community transmission of COVID-19 in the current outbreak, the municipal government said on Friday.

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For many residents living in Shanghai's downtown areas, leaving their housing compound to go shopping at a nearby supermarket is a big step toward normal life after spending more than a month in lockdown.

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Governments, communities and major State-owned enterprises are helping people with special needs-especially seniors living alone, the sick and the disabled-to tide over the recent COVID-19 resurgence in Shanghai.

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Multinational corporations in Shanghai have implemented contingency plans to maintain production as the city's authorities have introduced measures to help businesses in the city return to normal operations.

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With a large population of unvaccinated seniors and an already-stretched healthcare workforce, Shanghai cannot afford to relax its COVID-19 measures as it battles a severe wave of the Omicron variant, according to experts.

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Jiading district, Shanghai's automobile production hub, has taken various epidemic prevention and control measures to help local enterprises resume production.       Read more

Wisteria flowers are blooming at Jiading Wisteria Park in Shanghai's Jiading district, creating a romantic ambience.

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Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.
