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Vo?dovac is one of the 17 municipalities of Belgrade, capital of Serbia.Read more

Pécs is located in southwestern Hungary, close to its border with Croatia.Read more

The city of Ota is located in the southeast of Gunma prefecture.Read more

Obolon is a district of Kiev, capital of Ukraine.Read more

Minsk's Maskowski district is located in the central and southwestern regions of Minsk.Read more

Wolfsburg is located in Lower Saxony in northern Germany, about 230 kilometers from Berlin, the capital of Germany.Read more

Wake Town is is located in the central part of Japan, near the Seto Inland Sea.Read more

The city of Yao is located in the middle of Osaka prefecture, Japan, close to the city of Osaka.Read more



Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.
