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Danghu Academy


The academy covers 486 square meters and is the only academy in Shanghai that was built in the Qing Dynasty.Read more

In pictures, take a glance of full blooming flowers in Jiading.Read more

The Zhouqiao Old Street Scenic Area in Jiading district, Shanghai is usually referred by locals as a pagoda, two rivers, three streets, and four bridges.Read more

Mingzhi Hall


Mingzhi Hall is currently China's largest inscription brick museum with a collection of more than 30,000 such bricks.Read more

Jiayuanhai Art Center in Malu town, Jiading district was developed from four renovated factories and covers an area of 60,000 square meters.Read more

Artron (Shanghai) Art Center, launched by cultural conglomerate Artron Art Group, was built on the former site of Shanghai No 16 Towel Factory in the 1970s.Read more

Shanghai Zhuyun Art Museum has been opened free to the public since September 2008 and focuses on displaying over 700 pieces of Jiading's local cultural, artistic, and historical works.Read more

Covering an area of 14,000 square meters, the Han Tianheng Art Museum was reconstructed on the former site of Jiafeng Feilian Textile Factory.Read more



Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.
