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2016: A big year for Shanghai's financial sector

Updated: 2017-01-16

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Shanghai, the Chinese metropolis that is building itself into an international financial center, has been working on a range of measures in the finance sector over the past year. Those measures include deepening financial reforms, improving the sector's infrastructure, furthering innovation of the financial system and increasing the city's global influence in the finance industry.

The China Financial Information Center and the Shanghai branch of the China Economic Information Service reviewed the city's efforts in the financial sector in 2016 and released the following top 10 events on Jan 9.

1. Financial reform in Shanghai's free trade zone deepened

2016: A big year for Shanghai's financial sector

Shanghai continues to deepen financial reform in its free trade zone in 2016. [Photo/IC]

About 40 innovative financial reform measures were introduced in Shanghai's free trade zone in October 2015. More detailed rules were released successively in 2016 to further explain and guide the implementation of various measures.

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