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Shanxi University alumni honored as IEEE Fellow


Updated : 2016-12-06

Zhang Qingfu, a 1984 graduate of Shanxi University, gained the title of IEEE Fellow for his prominent research on the multi-objective optimization algorithm.

Shanxi University alumni honored as IEEE Fellow

Zhang Qingfu studied for his bachelor of science degree in applied mathematics at Shanxi University’s Mathematical Sciences School from 1980 to 1984. Zhang’s research areas cover evolutionary computation, mathematical programming, neural networks, statistical data analysis, and telecommunication networks. [Photo from sxu.edu.cn]

Shanxi University alumni honored as IEEE Fellow

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Fellows program is reserved for a select number of IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. It was initiated by world's largest technical professional organization, IEEE, which is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. For over a century, IEEE has sponsored various programs to honor achievements in education, industry, research, and service. These awards and recognitions each have a unique mission, criteria, and offer the opportunity to praise distinguished colleagues, dedicated teachers, and corporate leaders who have made a lasting impact on humanity, technology, and the profession. [Photo from cn.biying.com]

Shanxi University alumni honored as IEEE Fellow

Mathematics and applied mathematics at Shanxi University’s Mathematical Sciences School are key program in Shanxi province. The school has 13 professors and 25 associate professors. It has set up seven research institutes focusing on studies of nonlinear functions, distributed parameter system control theory, algebra and geometry, graph theory and theoretical computer science, ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems, intelligent computing and control, and applied statistics. [Photo from sxu.edu.cn]

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