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SXU research findings honored by journal

Updated : 2017-11-09

New academic research achievements made by a team led by Professor Dong Chuan from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Shanxi University, recently made the front cover of Chemical Communications, a prestigious journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The new research findings focus on the study of organic sulfur compounds. Doctor Zhang Caihong is the first author of the article and professors Dong Chuan and Xian Ming are the corresponding authors.

The research was funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China and Shanxi’s One-Hundred Talent Program, which was initiated by the Shanxi provincial government with the aim of attracting skilled workers from overseas.

Dong Chuan is a professor of analytical chemistry at the Institute of Environmental Science, Shanxi University. He received his doctorate from Shanxi University in 2002. His current research interests include biosensors, chemosensors, optical fiber sensors, fluorescence and room temperature phosphorescence, and environmental analysis and monitoring.

Professor Xian Ming now works as the vice-director of the Department of Chemistry at Washington State University. He is the chairman of the Washington Branch of the American Chemical Society. He received his doctorate from Wayne State University in 2003. His current research interests include organic sulfur chemistry and chemicobiology.

Zhang Caihong is currently a professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanxi University. She was a Visiting Scholar at Washington State University in 2014. Her research focuses on biosensors and chemosensors.

SXU research findings honored by journal

New academic achievements made by the research team led by Professor Dong Chuan from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Shanxi University, were recently published in the journal Chemical Communications, a prestigious journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]??

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