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Universities cooperate to arrange field trips

Updated : 2019-07-22

Shanxi University recently carried out a series of summer field trips in cooperation with Peking University and Jiangnan University.

During the joint field trip, which was arranged by Shanxi University and Jiangnan University from July 8 to 11, a group of 25 people from the two universities visited the headquarters of Shanxi Xinghuacun Fenjiu Group and Shanxi Zilin Vinegar Industry Co, as well as Fenyang county, to learn about brewing, vinegar processing technology, and the construction of a liquor-themed town.

Students from Jiangnan University also visited Shanxi University's history museum and library and learned about university management.

Another field trip was arranged by Shanxi University and Peking University from July 11 to 16. Participants included students and teachers from the two universities' foreign language schools, who got a chance to study Shanxi province's history, economic transformation, environmental protection efforts, emerging industrial development, and poverty alleviation efforts.

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