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Awards for key scientific achievements

Updated : 2019-09-25

Education Ministry Humanities and Social Sciences Excellent Achievement Awards

?Year ?Accomplishment ?Winner Prize?

1995 (1st Session)?

Outline of Deng Xiaoping’s Ideology on Productivity 

Xu Jiugang?

Philosophy 2nd Place

1998 (2nd Session)

Theory of Global Nationalism in Modern Times 

Cheng Renqian?

History 3rd Prize

2003 (3rd Session)

Post-modern Philosophy of Science 

Guo Guichun

Philosophy 2nd Place

2006 (4th Session)

Methodological Justification of Scientific Realism 

Guo Guichun?

Philosophy 1st Place?

From Confucian Classics to Literature

Liu Yuqing

Chinese lit 3rd Place

Review and Reflection: The Development of Education Studies in China in the First Half of the 20th Century

Hou Huaiyin

Education 3rd Place

2009 (5th Session)?

A Study of Meaning in Poetry

Liu Yuqing

Chinese lit 2nd Place?

The Present Situation, Trends and Significance of Research in the Modern Western Philosophy of Social Science

Yin Jie

Philosophy 2nd Place

A General Introduction to Poetic Drama of the Yuan Dynasty

Tian Tongxu

Art 3rd Place

A Study of Changes of Shanxi Merchant Systems in Ming and Qing Dynasties

Liu Jiansheng

Economics3rd Place

The Recognition, Evaluation and Reduction of Competition Risk Confronting High-level Athletes in Strong Sports Events of China

Shi Yan

Comprehensive, cross-disciplinary studies 3rd Place

?2013 (6th Session)

Development Trends of Modern Science and Philosophy 

Guo Guichun

2nd Place

Development Trends of Chinese Historical Study

Xing Long

3rd Place

Study on Rural Society in Shanxi and Shaanxi 1930 and 1949s Centered on the Research of Zhang Wentian

Yue Qianhou

3rd Place

Shanxi Merchant Credit System and its Development Study

?Liu Jiansheng

3rd Place

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