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Symposium on basic theory of economics held in SXU

Updated : 2019-11-13

A symposium on research into the basic theory of economics with Chinese characteristics in the new era opened in Shanxi University, Taiyuan, in northern Shanxi province on Oct 28, officials said.

Sponsored by Nanjing University’s School of Business and undertaken by SXU’s School of Economics and Management, the symposium attracted the participation of professors and experts from NJU, SXU, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Liaoning University and Northwest University.

On Oct 29, Professor Hong Yinxing from NJU presented a report entitled "Systematic Construction and Research Focus of Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics".

Officials said it systematically explained the focus – as well as the discipline orientation, research content and discourse system -- of the system construction of the political economy with Chinese characteristics.

It also outlined the major contributions of the political economy with Chinese characteristics since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up.

Taking the symposium as an important opportunity, SXU’s School of Economics and Management held a consultation on the construction of theoretical economics disciplines.

It invited experts to give advice on the development of theoretical economics.

At the symposium, the experts expressed their views -- as well as shared their experiences and innovations -- on the academic development and discipline establishment process at colleges and universities.

They provided their insights on the establishment and long-term development of theoretical economics at SXU.

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