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Shanxi University delegation visits US university

Updated : 2019-11-22

A delegation led by Yin Jie, vice-principal of Shanxi University, paid a visit to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte – called UNCC for short -- on Nov 11-15.

The heads of relevant departments of SXU, such as the International Cooperation and Exchange Department and the Academic Affairs Department, participated in the trip.

At a meeting between the two universities, representatives affirmed the important contributions of the Confucius Institute in promoting academic and cultural exchanges between the two universities.

It was also hoped that the Confucius Institute will serve as a bridge to further strengthen the already deep exchanges and cooperation between SXU and UNCC.

In addition, the two sides gave positive comments on the existing teachers and students exchange programs between the two universities -- in the hope of further expanding cooperation to literature, history and other social sciences and natural sciences, with the philosophy exchange project of SXU as the starting point.

The two sides also conducted in-depth discussions on undergraduate credit certification, postgraduate degree certification, teacher exchange visits and bilingual teacher training and they set out further goals for cooperation.

Shanxi University delegation visits US university

A delegation led by Yin Jie, vice-principal of Shanxi University, poses for a group photo with representatives of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Shanxi University delegation visits US university

A delegation led by Yin Jie, vice-principal of Shanxi University, poses for a group photo with representatives of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

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