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SXU project named as national social science fund recipient

Updated : 2019-12-06

A project led by professor Duan Youwen from Shanxi University was named as a recipient of the 2019 National Social Science Fund of China, according to university officials.

The fund-winning project has been named An Empirical Study on the Pedigree of Folk Culture Resources and Innovative Development in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan Provinces.

SXU officials said the research into the subject is of great significance for efforts to pass on rural folk cultural resources to future generations.

They added that it is also of importance to explore the paths of creative transformation and the innovative development of folk cultural resources -- and to go out into a new era of socialist new rural development with Chinese characteristics.

A project supported by the National Social Science Fund of China is a national-level funded project at the highest level, backed by an institution with the largest funding strength and the most authoritative pedigree in China.

It is committed to facilitating landmark research results with significant academic value -- and significant results with practical guidance and reference value for decision-making. These will provide superior decision-making services for the Party and the country as a whole, to solve global and strategic issues.

During the current year, the National Social Science Fund of China Program examined a total of 371 projects for funding and confirmed that 364 projects would be recipients of its support.

This year, Shanxi University applied on behalf of four projects and received approval for one.

About Duan Youwen

Duan Youwen is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanxi University. He also serves as the leader of the doctoral program for Chinese folk literature, is director of the Institute of Folk Culture and Literature of Shanxi University, executive director of the Chinese Folklore Society, vice-chairman of the Shanxi Folklore Society, and a member of the Shanxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Expert Committee.

Duan has more than 30 years experience in teaching and research into folk literature and art, regional folklore, criticism of 20th century folk literature and intangible cultural heritage.

Duan has published more than 30 academic papers in leading Chinese and international journals.

SXU project named as national social science fund recipient

Professor Duan Youwen from Shanxi University [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

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