SPC releases guiding cases on cyber crimes

(english.court.gov.cn) Updated : 2018-12-28

Five guiding cases related to cyber crimes were released by the Supreme People's Court (SPC) at a press conference on Dec 25.

Hosted by SPC spokesman Lin Wenxue, the briefing was attended by Zhou Jiahai, deputy-director of the SPC's research department.

The guiding cases released at the press conference all related to cyber crimes, involving criminal acts including destroying information systems and opening online casinos.

Among the cases, the No 103 case on Xu Qiang, charged with destroying a computer-based information system, is intended to confirm that asmart remote monitoring system is a kind of information system.

This case means hat destroying a company's remote monitoring system so that the system is unable to work normally constitutes the crime of destroying a computer information system.

No 104 case is related to environmental monitoring. According to this case, people who hinder sampling equipment for environmental monitoring causinginaccurate data collection may be convicted of the crime of destroying a computer information system.

No 105 case is about opening a casino. The case indicates that inviting people to participate in gambling games through social media WeChat for profit over a period of time is regarded as "opening a casino".

The newly released cases will be guidance for judicial bodies handling similar cases with improved management and at the same time will guide the public to obey the law.

SPC releases guiding cases on cyber crimes
The SPC holds a news briefing on guiding cases in cyber crimes on Dec 25 in Beijing. [Photo/court.gov.cn]
SPC releases guiding cases on cyber crimes
SPC spokesman Lin Wenxue [Photo/court.gov.cn]
SPC releases guiding cases on cyber crimes
Zhou Jiahai, deputy-director of the SPC's research department [Photo/court.gov.cn]
