SPC president meets with director of the DPRK Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office

(english.court.gov.cn) Updated : 2019-06-05

Zhou Qiang, president and chief justice of the Supreme People's Court (SPC) of China met with Jang Pyong Gyu, director of the DPRK Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, on June 4 in Beijing.

Zhou welcomed the DPRK prosecutor and said his visit will tighten the relations between the two sides' judicial departments and help to achieve cooperative results.

Zhou described China's rule of law and the work of its courts and said that the courts at various levels in China adhere to the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and the aim of letting people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case.

China is promoting judicial reform and intelligent courts construction, said Zhou, adding that the country is deepening judicial transparency, which largely improves trial quality and efficiency as well as judicial credibility.

Jang appreciated the meeting with Zhou and also described DPRK's judicial system.

Zhou said he hopes the judicial departments of China and DPRK will work together to improve cooperation in cases study, personnel and information exchanges to boost the two sides' judicial development.

Jang gave a positive response to China's chief justice. He said DPRK is expected to strengthen the cooperation and exchanges of two sides' judicial departments and to deepen their friendly relationships.
