SPC’s circuit court hears civil cases on online mobile platform

(english.court.gov.cn) Updated : 2020-03-23

The Sixth Circuit Court of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) has heard a couple of civil cases via the top court’s online mobile hearing platform, which guarantees the SPC’s normal operation amid the epidemic.

With the consent of the parties to a dispute over share transfer, the court decided to transfer the digital version of the evidence and hear the case online.

Prior to the trial, the two parties exchanged their evidence on the platform while the court also used the platform for service of process and to determine the date of the hearing.

During the Mar 11 hearing the court smoothly went through regular litigation proceedings with the agents of the parties making oral arguments.

About a fortnight before the trial, the court had already efficiently concluded a loan dispute on the platform with the hearing applicant withdrawing its request for a retrial.
