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The largest container liner comes into service in Tianjin Port


Updated: 2016-07-22

The largest container liner comes into service in Tianjin Port

The new lane starts from Tianjin Port, stops at Pusan, Korea; Shanghai, China; Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia; Suez, Egypt; Bremen, Germany and Hamburg, Germany, etc. and ends at Gothenburg, Sweden. This shipping route is the largest international container liner lane with about 5,000 standard containers per voyage. [Photo/Tianjin Port (group) Co,Ltd]

Chinese port launches first blockchain customs system


The Tianjin Port blockchain pilot project, an initiative using blockchain technology in cross-border trade, was launched April 17 in Tianjin.

This Day, That Year: June 24


In 1980, the Port of Kobe established friendly ties with the Port of Tianjin.

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