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Leadership of Karamay municipal government

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Leadership of Karamay municipal government

Tong Zhonghua


Responsibilities: education, science, archive and chorography.


Leadership of Karamay municipal government

Qian Minghua


Responsibilities: industry (electronic power, technical equipment and petrochemical industry park), communication industry and information construction; in charge of informatization administration and cloud computing industrial park

Leadership of Karamay municipal government

Bai Zhengshen


Responsibilities: urban and rural planning, housing construction and management; in charge of urban and rural planning administration and real estate bureau.


Leadership of Karamay municipal government

Xu Jianhui


Responsibilities: assist in economy and foreign trade and investment promotions, external affairs, economic and technological cooperation, safety supervision; in charge of Economic Commission.

Leadership of Karamay municipal government

Jiang Dongdong


Responsibilities: in charge of tourism, civil administration, poverty relief and development, charity, welfare of the disabled and senior citizens; assists in investment promotion.

