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China named third best country for information-based investment

Updated: 2016-08-12

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China placed third on the list of the 2016 Belt and Road Information Investment Index announced at the 2016 Silk Road Economic Belt- Xinjiang Karamay Forum in Karamay, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region on Aug 9.

The index uses information technology to provide an overall assessment on economic development and resource management for countries located along the Belt and Road Initiative. It is an important guide for businesspeople and government officials drawing up national and regional strategies.

The assessment index covered 66 countries and Singapore came out on top, with a score of 7.05. China with a score of 6.12 ranked third. Despite the progress that has been made, remarkable levels of economic disparity remain. A positive indication from the index is that Central and Eastern Europe are developing into increasingly sound places for information-based investment.

Furthermore, the index suggests government bodies and individual companies from more developed countries should expand their influence through the internet and e-commerce. According to the report however, the Chinese government and ambitious enterprises should not enter into such plans or investments without setting specific objectives first. These goals should be based on the environment of the country being invested in.

The index, released by the China Academy of Electronic and Information Technology, has been made available to the general public.

The 2016 Silk Road Economic Belt- Xinjiang Karamay Forum, honored as the “Davos Forum in West China”, has convened in Karamay, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region from Aug 9-11. It has attracted around 500 leading figures from the governments of China, Pakistan, Iran and Kazakhstan, as well as representatives from businesses and think-tanks. It aims to strengthen cooperation between China and countries along the Belt and Road Initiative region by discussing infrastructure construction, energy cooperation, information exchange, and cultural communication.
