Big data apps help Toutunhe farmers fit market demand

By Ge Jieru ( )

Updated: 2016-12-27

Farmers in the Xingjiang Uyghur autonomous region have reduced the amount of waste crops being produced every year thanks to the application of big data.

By collecting merchant and consumer orders in advance through an online platform, farmers have been able to plant the right amount of crops and prevent over supply in the market.

"I received an order for next year's cottons with down payment through an agriculture online platform and I can grow cotton according to a plan which will help me avoid stockpiling risk," said a farmer from Aksu in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. One such platform is the Laodao Agriculture Online Platform, which was launched by Xinjiang Laodao Science and Technology Enterprise. Through the platform, farmers can grow plants in accordance to orders and can purchase wholesale raw materials from other vendors to reduce costs.

"At present, we have served more than 100,000 people with annual sales revenue of approximately 1 billion yuan," said Jiang Xiaoyang, general manager of Xinjiang Laodao.

The practical application of big data in traditional industries has become an importand part of Toutunhe district's smart city construction plan in recent years.

According to the merchant office of Xinjiang Software Park, 232 enterprises have registered in the park, and 75 enterprises have opened offices in the park.

Edited by Jacob Hooson
