Online shop owners to share e-commerce experience

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Updated: 2014-05-27

The first Yunnan Cultural Products Online Shop Owners Marketing Experience Sharing Session, as a pre-activity of the 2014 Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo scheduled in August, will kick off in Kunming on May 27. At the activity, 30 outstanding online shop owners will get together to share their experiences in e-commerce.

The sharing session features substantial content and interactivity. Through the sharing session, shop owners can share their entrepreneurial and marketing experience. Moreover, they can put forward advice and suggestions for the corresponding functional organs.

From the middle March, the event has attracted more than 100 online shop owners of cultural products across multiple industries throughout the province to sign for it, and 30 of them stood out as representatives after evaluation.

The session, for Yunnan’s corresponding responsibilities, is a useful way to draw good advice and opinions from e-commerce practitioners in the cultural products industry.

Edited by Liu Yufen and Michael Thai

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