Exhibition of two masters comes to Yunnan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-07-07

An exhibition of the art of Zhu Weiming and Chen Zhichuan was held from July 6 -16 in the new Yunnan Art Gallery.

The exhibition displayed over 120 items of the two artists, both of whom are professors at the China Academy of Art. The exhibits included extracts from their college notes and manuscripts pertaining to their master works.

Art works of great value play a crucial role in cultural history. The two professors hope to share with others art, life and nostalgia through the exhibition.

Zhu Weiming used to work in the Yunnan branch of the Chinese Artistic Association. He was the winner of China's ninth national print exhibition.

Chen Zhichuan worked in Yunnan for 17 years after graduating from Sichun Fine Art Institute. She specializes in modern brightly-colored paintings with rich ethnic characteristics and individual style.

Exhibition of two masters comes to Yunnan

A black and white woodcut by Zhu Weiming. [Photo/ ynci.cn]

Exhibition of two masters comes to Yunnan

One of Chen Zhichuan’s brightly-colored paintings—a girl of the Dai

ethnic group. [Photo/ ynci.cn]

??By Qiu Guizhen and edited by Peter Nordinger

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