Garmisch-Partenkirchen, February 1936: Maxi HERBER and Ernst BAIER of Germany, gold medallists, in action in the pairs figure skating event during the IV Olympic Winter Games. Credit: IOC Olympic Museum Collections
Born: 27 September 1905
Deceased: 8 July 2001
Birthplace: Zwickau (Germany)
Nationality: Germany
Sport: Skating
Lake Placid 1932
Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936
Olympic medals:
Gold: 1
Silver: 1
Other results:
World Championships
Gold: 4 (36, 37, 38, 39)
Silver: 2 (33, 34)
Bronze: 3 (31, 32, 34)
European Championships
Gold: 5 (35, 36, 37, 38, 39)
Silver: 3 (31, 32, 33)
Bronze: 2 (35, 36)
Pairs/singles skating champion
hirty-year-old Berlin architect Ernst Baier and his 15-year-old protegee, Maxi Herber, were early exponents of "shadow skating" in which both skaters perform the exact same moves without touching. In an unusual reversal of normal procedure, the German government made a film of Baier and Herber's routine and commissioned a composer to create a piece to match their moves. Baier and Herber gained the first place votes of seven of the nine judges and won gold medals easily at the 1936 Olympic Winter Games. The day after Ernst Baier was awarded his gold medal in the pairs event, he competed in the singles and earned a silver medal behind Karl Schafer of Austria. Baier is the only male skater to win Olympic medals in both pairs and singles competitions. He and Herber went on to win the pairs world championship each year through 1939, after which their streak was ended by World War II and the two turned professional.