Opinion / Forum Digests

I don't like Simplified Text!

Updated: 2006-03-29 10:56

Related thread: Chinadaily BBS ? News Talk ? Changing China ? I don't like Simplified Text!

To be truly Chinese and stick to our ancient past. We must be able to read and write Traditional Text in our everyday lives, whether its newspaper, books, television, or a letter from family.

Traditional Text is beautiful and a work of art. It is used in caligraphy with a black paint bush. (beautiful letters)

Simplified Text is dull looking and uninspiring. It doesn't look like a work of art. Its doesn't come alive.

Sure, Traditional Text might have more strokes and it takes longer to write, but it is our heritage. I suggest mainland Chinese to start phasing out the Simplified Text and revert to Traditional Text because of the above mentioned.

If mainland Chinese use Traditional Text in their everyday lives. It would be a lot easier to communicate with Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and maybe Japanese.

The above content represents the view of the author only.

